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RMS-Ross Corporation has recently expanded into innovative clean energy technologies with the introduction of the PowerHearth Vertical Downdraft Gasifier.

The technology was originally developed by a group of engineers over a period of 30 plus years in the gasification industry, with many innovations and advancements culminating in the current advanced PowerHearth design.

Many PowerHearth systems are installed in countries throughout the southern hemisphere accommodating a wide range of fuel feed stocks. RMS-Ross is pleased to manufacture and supply this advanced, efficient, zero emission clean energy technology under a licensing agreement with the original developers of the PowerHearth gasification technology

RMS-Ross is providing this system as a solution designed to meet each customer’s exacting needs from hundreds of kilowatts to multiple megawatts, and to help meet the vast international demand for clean energy solutions.

The system design allows for modular expansion if the project requires it over time, and is also sensor and computer monitored and controlled, providing peak efficiency and allowing for pre-emptive maintenance.